05/23/2024 - Blast Furnace - Humid Sprints
Conditions: 75 Degrees and Cloudy (Very Humid) Warm-a-Rama: Mosey to HFS Side Straddle Hops Grass-Pickers Arm Circles Circle Arms Chinooks Michael Phelps Plank Mosey to Boyant Hill The Thang: Sprint…
Conditions: 75 Degrees and Cloudy (Very Humid) Warm-a-Rama: Mosey to HFS Side Straddle Hops Grass-Pickers Arm Circles Circle Arms Chinooks Michael Phelps Plank Mosey to Boyant Hill The Thang: Sprint…
Warmup (5 minutes) all on a 4-count: 10x Side straddle hops IC 10x Grass pickers IC 10x Arm circles (30 seconds forward, 30 seconds backward) IC 10x Arm circles Reverse…
Front-Runner VQ Conditions: 33 Degrees and Partly Cloudy Warm Up: Mosey to Holy Family School Parking Lot 20 (IC) Side Straddle Hops 10 (IC) Grass Pickers 10 (IC) Arm Circles…
Conditions: 43F and clear Warm Up: Monkey Humpers Side Straddle Hops Arm Circles Circle Arms Plank Down Dog Cobra 5 Merkins OYO The Thang: PAX did Chest, Back and Bi’s.…
Conditions: 68F and HUMID Disclaimer Warm Up: Mosey around half the park to the stage Hops gave facts about the 54th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on 7/20/69. The…
Bill Murray around the park with Merkins and squats Deck of death with shadow (black) cards for 6 more weeks/ reps. Mosey to break up the
Overview: 10 HIM posted at the Blast Furnace during a calm 24 degree morning to celebrate Startup’s Birthday on his 46th journey around the earth. With a 2-ALARMS test of…
Conditions : 62F and cloudy. Rain expected later, but only a few drizzles at 0530. Q : Spike It was YHC’s 49th birthday, so he was pretty hyped and excited…
Warmup: Mosey to VFW parking lot SSH, Grass Pickers, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Sprinklers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs (all x10 IC), Dial up/Cobra Pose The Thang: 11’s (Merkins/Squats) -…
Disclaimer Warmup – Jog to VFW parking lot SSHs (x10 IC) Imperial Walkers (x10 IC) Hillbilly Walkers (x10 IC) Circle Arms (x10 IC) Arm Circles (x10 IC) Chinooks (x10 IC)…