11/29/2024 - Honey Pot - ThunderStunk

Inspired by Balboa’s epic backblast of Wednesday last, and stuffed with stuffing and muscles of mashed potatoes, Dutch Oven wasn’t in the mood for anymore Thanksgiving-themed shenanigans so the beatdown…

11/14/2024 - Blast Furnace - Substitute Q

Conditions: 30 degrees and clear Warm Up: Short Mosey Goof Balls Side Straddle Hops Little Macks Down Dog Dial Up 60 Second Elevator Merkin The Thang: 1/4 Mile Mosey stopping…

10/24/2024 - Blast Furnace - F3 Scary

Pre-work out – YHC woke up at late at 5:10 to missed calls and texts from Hall Pass waiting for a ride.  Spilled coffee on the counter in hopes that…

09/30/2024 - Core - BUTT ROCK

Warm up Touch toes to down dog, walk dog back up SSH, 10 IC 4CT Squats, 10 ic 4CT Jumps, 20 sc Down dog toe tap to merkin, 10 ic…

F3 Philly