AO: Honey Pot
When: 05/03/2024
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names: Aikman, Balboa, Chew Toy, Dogg, Dutch Oven, Hops, Lilo, Minivan,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Dutch Oven
The BackBlast:
WARM UP: Long, loping lap around the lot.
The Thang: (to Moby’s song “Flower” aka “Sally Up”) – close circle of men
1 – Squats, passing one coupon around the circle clockwise on the word “UP”.
Add one coupon to the circle every bridge.
Short Lap
2 – Push Ups, Slide pass coupon on the macadam to the next PAX clockwise.
PAX with coupon rests high during that “DOWN”.
Bernie Sanders short lap
3 – Dead Lifts, one coupon per PAX
Sprint to bottom of lot, Bernie Sanders to pavilion, sprint to building, mosey back to circle
4 – Overhead Press, one coupon per PAX. (Minivan must dance during each bridge.)
Short Lap
5 – LOW, WIDE Squats, Try to deep squat to activate glutes and not isolate the quads.
Long lap, slow
COOL DOWN: 5 minutes of Broga
Coffeteria (I really need to make two pots!). And yes, the winky was laminated.
Sorry fellas — I still can’t post this with a pic! This dang Commodore 64 just can’t keep up.