04/30/2022 - Blast Furnace - Tabata sounds like ciabatta
9 PAX for a Magellan beatdown. 4 “twin tabatas” = alternating between two exercises for 8 rounds. PAX chose to do these to obnoxious tabata tracks rather than the timer.…
9 PAX for a Magellan beatdown. 4 “twin tabatas” = alternating between two exercises for 8 rounds. PAX chose to do these to obnoxious tabata tracks rather than the timer.…
Warm up. Creative coupon carry to and from each parking island, with running and a different exercise in between (x3). Mosey. Coupon lifting exercises Merkin walk on lined up coupons…
Mufasa from Omaha also came by! Used the Playlist F3 Dad Rock at 120 BPM Warmed up with Moroccan Dance Clubs Grass Pickers Side-Straddle Hops and Burpees to Time is…
Conditions : 42 and clear morning with slight wind Q : Spike Beatdown : 10 PAX posted DISCLAIMER : Was heartily given and accepted Warmup : SSHs 10X IC Wide…
“We begin with side straddle hops here” El Toro. Side note for a conversation I didn’t really hear much of: Radnor Township Code – Section 230-12 – Public Urination. It shall…
11 showed for a Monday a.m. celebration of YHC. JK JK, but it was a Manniversary so you know we went hard. Warm up – just do first round of…
Six men posted in 16-degree weather for YHC’s Q. I picked the day based on the weather forecast. A combination of injuries and other things had seen YHC lose some…
6 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace during a calm 25 degree morning to share in the sweet celebration of National Peach Melba Day! Following a collective holiday indulgence the last…
It was cold, very cold, wind was not our friend. Baker’s dozen showed for what was universally hailed as the best workout of the week so far. Always good when…
10 PAX for a music beatdown with coupons….I feel like we’ve done this before. Conditions – cold, phone said 18 degrees and feels like 11. Quick disclaimer to get to…