02/01/2024 - Blast Furnace - Super Set Tour
Front-Runner VQ Conditions: 33 Degrees and Partly Cloudy Warm Up: Mosey to Holy Family School Parking Lot 20 (IC) Side Straddle Hops 10 (IC) Grass Pickers 10 (IC) Arm Circles…
Front-Runner VQ Conditions: 33 Degrees and Partly Cloudy Warm Up: Mosey to Holy Family School Parking Lot 20 (IC) Side Straddle Hops 10 (IC) Grass Pickers 10 (IC) Arm Circles…
Conditions: 47 and light rain Warm Up: Monkey Humpers Side Straddle Hops Arm Circles Circle Arms Plank Dial Up Stretch 10 Merkins OYO The Thang: PAX performed a HIIT workout…
Warm up mosey from Reeves Park to PXV HA track dynamic warm up- from goal line to 20 yd line Knee pulls- up High knees- back Quad pulls- up Butt…
Disclaimer: Startup delivered a solid disclaimer to start off the morning, followed by a short Mosey to the grass near the stage Warmup: Skunkworks led a warmup consisting of SSH’s,…
Warm Up: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Chinook, Plank/Down Dog, Cobra, Dial Up Stretch, 10 OYO Burpees, 10 OYO Squats, Michael Phelps Break PAX into Groups…
Backblast: 15 HIM posted on a humid, drizzly morning for a Killer-Bs workout. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (25x IC), Sprinklers (15x IC), Grass Pickers (10x…
Conditions: 65F and perfect Disclaimer Warm Up: -1 OYO Ruck this gloom for 2 miles -Lap around the park followed by: -Grassgrabbers IC x10 -Abe’s IC x10 -IW’s IC x10…
Conditions : 70F and humid, with thunder & lightning in the distance. Q : Spike Beatdown : 11 PAX posted YHC woke early today to the sounds of thunder and…
Backblast: 11 HIM posted on a picture-perfect morning for a buffet beatdown. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (15x IC), Imperial Walkers (15x IC), Bat Wings (15x,…