01/14/2022 - Lock Up - El Toro Toe Sucklers

All coupon, all the time… Squat Variety Pack (block in front, in back, one arm, thrusters, etc), Clean, Clean&Jerk, Dead Lifts (regular & suitcase grip) Statue run Partner Block Carry…

12/27/2021 - Lock Up - Fruitcake

Warmup: dora / dialup stretch / SSHs Fruitcake Day Finger-tip merkins / Freddy mercury Route 66 – Monkey Hump each light til 11 Up Straddle hop – one legged Indian…

12/18/2021 - Philly - TWIN FALLS IDAHO

Warmup – SSHs/ dialup stretch / dora stretch / Kob arm circles Workout: YHC bday so we spelled Twin Falls Idaho to honor the birthplace. Headed to art museum. Made…

11/01/2021 - Lock Up - Merkin Monday

Monday morning came early as it often does for me. I never relish hearing the alarm, but I know that starting my week at LockUp is good for me physically,…

10/15/2021 - Lock Up - Dora 1-2-3

Part 1 of Dora’s birthday weekend… Warmup – SSH’s as per usual, some stretching, and some merkins Workout: Dora 1-2-3 but wait, there’s coupons! 100 Manmakers 200 Squrls 300 Squats…

F3 Philly