05/23/2024 - Blast Furnace - Humid Sprints

Conditions: 75 Degrees and Cloudy (Very Humid) Warm-a-Rama: Mosey to HFS Side Straddle Hops Grass-Pickers Arm Circles Circle Arms Chinooks Michael Phelps Plank Mosey to Boyant Hill The Thang: Sprint…

01/25/2024 - Blast Furnace - HIIT

Conditions: 47 and light rain Warm Up: Monkey Humpers Side Straddle Hops Arm Circles Circle Arms Plank Dial Up Stretch 10 Merkins OYO The Thang: PAX performed a HIIT workout…

12/02/2023 - Blast Furnace - Dad Jokes

Backblast:  Conditions: 45 degrees, foggy, wet leaves.  20 HIM posted for a beatdown filled with moseying around, stopping for exercises and Dad Jokes. Warmup:  mosey around the park and circle…

F3 Philly