03/03/2022 - Blast Furnace - Burpee Ladder around the Park
F3 Boot Camp Workout – Thursday March 3, 2022 – F3 Blast Furnace Conditions : 43 degrees F, and had just rained the night before, a bit windy, but nice…
F3 Boot Camp Workout – Thursday March 3, 2022 – F3 Blast Furnace Conditions : 43 degrees F, and had just rained the night before, a bit windy, but nice…
“We begin with side straddle hops here” El Toro. Side note for a conversation I didn’t really hear much of: Radnor Township Code – Section 230-12 – Public Urination. It shall…
11 showed for a Monday a.m. celebration of YHC. JK JK, but it was a Manniversary so you know we went hard. Warm up – just do first round of…
11 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace for a balmy 10 degree beatdown to honor Nugent, an F3 Omaha comrade and Hall Pass’ cousin who lost his life on September 30,…
After an airtight disclaimer, 12 intrepid PAX ventured to take on what just might be steepest incline in all of Radnor Township. That was considered a penny and 5 burpees…
Warmup: dora / dialup stretch / SSHs Fruitcake Day Finger-tip merkins / Freddy mercury Route 66 – Monkey Hump each light til 11 Up Straddle hop – one legged Indian…
Warmup: Mike Phelps Arm Circles Circle Arms Counter-clockwise Mosey around the Apartment Complex Workout (involving the tedious removal of a small piece of paper from a Metal Christmas Tree Photo…
Conditions : Much warmer than previous days, close to 50! Q : Spike Beatdown : 8 PAX Posted DISCLAIMER : Was given heartily. Warmup : SSHs 10X IC Arm circles…
Sad Clown S tep up and squat A ustralian snow angels D ips C herkin L L Cool Js O ne Calls W almart burpee N o pushup burpees Pacer…
Conditions : clear and crisp, around 32 degrees with the threat of snow flurries, although we saw none! YHC arrived early to place a lantern at covered pavilion area of…