04/04/2024 - Blast Furnace - UMBRELLAs are dumb

Pre-Q info: Pre-blast included a picture of 2 men dueling with umbrellas.. PAX chatter was inquiring if the Q would be about “doors” or “bowler hats”.   Conditions: 38 degrees, mild…

02/29/2024 - Blast Furnace - 29s

Conditions: 27 degrees (real feel of 17) and windy. Warm Up: Monkey Humpers, Imperial Walkers, Side Straddle Hops, Plank, Down Dog, Cobra, Dial Up, Circle Arms, Arm Circles The Thang:…

02/01/2024 - Blast Furnace - Super Set Tour

Front-Runner VQ Conditions: 33 Degrees and Partly Cloudy Warm Up: Mosey to Holy Family School Parking Lot 20 (IC) Side Straddle Hops 10 (IC) Grass Pickers 10 (IC) Arm Circles…

12/02/2023 - Blast Furnace - Dad Jokes

Backblast:  Conditions: 45 degrees, foggy, wet leaves.  20 HIM posted for a beatdown filled with moseying around, stopping for exercises and Dad Jokes. Warmup:  mosey around the park and circle…

08/31/2023 - Blast Furnace - Play Ball!

Conditions: 62 and clear Warm Up: Side Straddle Hops Imperial Walkers Sprinklers Plank Dial Up Stretch 6 Merkins OYO The Thang: PAX “played” Baseball with coupons Format: Count-o-rama after warm…

F3 Philly