01/06/2025 - Core - Core at the Core

Apocalyptic forecasts stymied some people’s plans but eight high impact men showed up for a beatdown, thumbing their noses at the snow clouds.    WARM UP: by committee around the…

11/04/2024 - Core - Whistlin’ Sixie

Warm up: Short mosey — 7 motivators — Mt Man Poopers — gentle stretch The Thang: Sets of 3 Mary (“on your 6”) exercises, broken up by mosey or arms…

10/07/2024 - Core - Pure Energy

PURE ENERGY Warm up: Short mosey — 7 motivators — 13 HillBillies — 9 Water Wheels — 9 Arm Circles/Circle Arms/Chinooks/Nookchins/Overhead Claps The Thang:  Set up for Wave of Merkins…

09/30/2024 - Core - BUTT ROCK

Warm up Touch toes to down dog, walk dog back up SSH, 10 IC 4CT Squats, 10 ic 4CT Jumps, 20 sc Down dog toe tap to merkin, 10 ic…

06/29/2024 - Blast Furnace - F3 Bracket Games

F3 Bracket Games- 1 on 1 AMRAP competitions with a “pace car runner”  single elimination with other pax cycling AMRAP exercises and support along the way.  Congrats Chit Chat for…

05/23/2024 - Blast Furnace - Humid Sprints

Conditions: 75 Degrees and Cloudy (Very Humid) Warm-a-Rama: Mosey to HFS Side Straddle Hops Grass-Pickers Arm Circles Circle Arms Chinooks Michael Phelps Plank Mosey to Boyant Hill The Thang: Sprint…

F3 Philly