10/20/2022 - Blast Furnace - DEER SEASON…..F3 Style!!
Conditions: Clear, 38F (Shorts weather still!) Disclaimer Warm Up: -Grass Grabbers x10 IC -IW’s x15 IC -Arm Circles/Circle Arms x10 IC -Dial Up Stretches Thang: Deer Season is upon us! Hops…
Conditions: Clear, 38F (Shorts weather still!) Disclaimer Warm Up: -Grass Grabbers x10 IC -IW’s x15 IC -Arm Circles/Circle Arms x10 IC -Dial Up Stretches Thang: Deer Season is upon us! Hops…
Conditions : 62F and cloudy. Rain expected later, but only a few drizzles at 0530. Q : Spike It was YHC’s 49th birthday, so he was pretty hyped and excited…
Warmup: Mosey to VFW parking lot SSH, Grass Pickers, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Sprinklers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs (all x10 IC), Dial up/Cobra Pose The Thang: 11’s (Merkins/Squats) -…
Disclaimer Warmup – Jog to VFW parking lot SSHs (x10 IC) Imperial Walkers (x10 IC) Hillbilly Walkers (x10 IC) Circle Arms (x10 IC) Arm Circles (x10 IC) Chinooks (x10 IC)…
Conditions : Clear and bright 55 degree morning, slight dewy grass! Q : Spike Beatdown : 7 PAX posted DISCLAIMER : Was heartily given by YHC before we got started…
9 PAX for a Magellan beatdown. 4 “twin tabatas” = alternating between two exercises for 8 rounds. PAX chose to do these to obnoxious tabata tracks rather than the timer.…
Conditions : 46 degrees, light wind, rain incoming Q : Spike Beatdown : 3 for the Ruck, 8 for the beatdown 2 of us began our ruck as normal…
Mufasa from Omaha also came by! Used the Playlist F3 Dad Rock at 120 BPM Warmed up with Moroccan Dance Clubs Grass Pickers Side-Straddle Hops and Burpees to Time is…
11 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace for a balmy 10 degree beatdown to honor Nugent, an F3 Omaha comrade and Hall Pass’ cousin who lost his life on September 30,…
10 PAX for a music beatdown with coupons….I feel like we’ve done this before. Conditions – cold, phone said 18 degrees and feels like 11. Quick disclaimer to get to…