04/04/2024 - Blast Furnace - UMBRELLAs are dumb
Pre-Q info: Pre-blast included a picture of 2 men dueling with umbrellas.. PAX chatter was inquiring if the Q would be about “doors” or “bowler hats”. Conditions: 38 degrees, mild…
Pre-Q info: Pre-blast included a picture of 2 men dueling with umbrellas.. PAX chatter was inquiring if the Q would be about “doors” or “bowler hats”. Conditions: 38 degrees, mild…
Kicked off a 10 part series called.. 10 things Mai Tai hates. Q #1 was a snake themed. Conditions: 22 and clear Disclaimer Warm up Grass pickers x 10 IC…
Conditions – 60 and dry, an absolute miracle for November. Started with a real weak disclaimer and a quick warmup of SSHs, grass pickers, imperial walkers, and some stretching. YHC…
Conditions: 60 F and Clear! Disclaimer “Warm Up”: A welcome to Side Effects, the founder of F3 Valley Forge, visiting downrange from Jackson Miss! Hops gave an overview of the workout,…