06/08/2021 - Thicket - Runnin’ & Ruckin’
The humidity continues & it was almost 80 degrees when we set off at 5:15 AM. Lube was visiting downrange from F3 St Louis, glad to have him back again.…
The humidity continues & it was almost 80 degrees when we set off at 5:15 AM. Lube was visiting downrange from F3 St Louis, glad to have him back again.…
It was a hot & humid one. YHC had a very nice graduation party the day before, so I was ready to do my penance for overindulgence. We did a…
8 Pax took advantage of the only cool part of the day to entertain the Q’s gaming habits. Conditions: gorgeous, low 70’s and not humid F3 Core Principles and Disclaimer…
Conditions: 47°F with lots of wind, pouring rain throughout the ruck and beatdown. YHC provided a solid disclaimer, just making sure that no one was unaware of what we were…
12 PAX descended upon the Phoenixville gloom, for YHCs 2nd birthday Q in as many days (NOT a repeat of the IV Beatdown the day before Einstein 😀) Disclaimer and…
After doing my best to pawn off the Q to Dreamer, he needed another day to sleep off his post-vax hangover. Get better soon, thanks for doing your part. Welcome…
On Sunday night Trigger and Einstein jokingly, but seriously, accused ElToro of only knowing three exercises. ElToro responded the only way he knew how. By doing two things- 1) requesting…
Warmup: wait for Lowes to show The thang: run or ruck in groups of 2. Einstein and Dreamer ran pretty fast. Lowes and Trigger played catch up most of the…
Warmup. YHC was late. If I had to guess they stood around and didn’t start doing anything until they saw my car pull in. Winklevoss said they did 40merkins -…
6 for GoRuck miles (Boyant, winklevoss, bandit, Borg, Einstein, ElToro) to the bridge and back. Winklevoss and Boyant were trying to get away from us. Had a few Phillies yell/bark…