04/17/2024 - Wildcat - Beatdown on Delco’s 3 Year
To celebrate his third year of being an Unshackled Modern Day Warrior, YHC led the Pax through a simple workout using a frisbee. The routine consisted of: The WarmUp SSHs…
To celebrate his third year of being an Unshackled Modern Day Warrior, YHC led the Pax through a simple workout using a frisbee. The routine consisted of: The WarmUp SSHs…
The WarmUp SSHs Imperial Walkers Dialup Stretches Birds in the Dirt Downward Dogs Supermans (place FUPAs on Coupons and raise other extremities) – this is utterly stupid but it does…
It was 6:33 when Guilly appeared in the distance between raindrops, having parked 5 blocks away (tough parking day with everything local blocked off). Turned out to be a fun…
Good ‘ole fashioned Q by committee around Old City Philly this morning. Ma’ne is nursing a gimpy calf (again), so Ping led us to Franklin square for calf raises and…
Conditions : 33F and gloomy, rained overnight. Ground still a little moist, but just barely Q : Spike Beatdown : 5 PAX posted DISCLAIMER : Was quickly given. The Q…
ElToro announced the Q by committee and laid out the terms. WU: SSH IC, Plank Jacks IC, Imperial Walker IC, Nantan Crunch IC, Arm Circle IC, Mountain Climber IC the…
Executed a down and back run to 12th and Catherine with exercises at every other corner. Should have executed a down and back run to 12th and Christian with exercises…
Conditions : 53 and it had just poured, so the ground was wet, but the rain held off during the workout! Q : Spike Beatdown : 8 PAX posted YHC…
Coupon Friday Bebop: Old 97s Coupon Friday is my favorite beatdown of the week. YHC had not Q’ed on in a while, so I wanted to be sure to give…
A lil yoga to warmup…one arm block carry til it (just about) falls off, then 3 man makers and your back at it, carrying w the other arm, and repeat…sundial…