01/06/2025 - Core - Core at the Core

Apocalyptic forecasts stymied some people’s plans but eight high impact men showed up for a beatdown, thumbing their noses at the snow clouds.    WARM UP: by committee around the…

11/14/2024 - Blast Furnace - Substitute Q

Conditions: 30 degrees and clear Warm Up: Short Mosey Goof Balls Side Straddle Hops Little Macks Down Dog Dial Up 60 Second Elevator Merkin The Thang: 1/4 Mile Mosey stopping…

10/24/2024 - Blast Furnace - F3 Scary

Pre-work out – YHC woke up at late at 5:10 to missed calls and texts from Hall Pass waiting for a ride.  Spilled coffee on the counter in hopes that…

10/10/2024 - Blast Furnace - X-Files

Warm-o-rama: Mosey around northeast side of park to band shell; 10 Abe Vigodas, 13 SSH, 10 Water Wheels, 13 Mountain Man Poopers, 10 Motivators / 13 Bizarros. The Thang: Partner UP!!!…

05/23/2024 - Blast Furnace - Humid Sprints

Conditions: 75 Degrees and Cloudy (Very Humid) Warm-a-Rama: Mosey to HFS Side Straddle Hops Grass-Pickers Arm Circles Circle Arms Chinooks Michael Phelps Plank Mosey to Boyant Hill The Thang: Sprint…

F3 Philly