06/12/2021 - Blast Furnace - Bearcrawl-pullup-pallooza
Conditions – ripe for a beatdown, beautiful cool June morning, mid-60s, cloudy with light rain at end Disclaimer and F3 Core Principles delivered. Prompt start. Warm Up Mosey to VFW. …
Conditions – ripe for a beatdown, beautiful cool June morning, mid-60s, cloudy with light rain at end Disclaimer and F3 Core Principles delivered. Prompt start. Warm Up Mosey to VFW. …
The humidity continues & it was almost 80 degrees when we set off at 5:15 AM. Lube was visiting downrange from F3 St Louis, glad to have him back again.…
8 Pax took advantage of the only cool part of the day to entertain the Q’s gaming habits. Conditions: gorgeous, low 70’s and not humid F3 Core Principles and Disclaimer…
Conditions: 47°F with lots of wind, pouring rain throughout the ruck and beatdown. YHC provided a solid disclaimer, just making sure that no one was unaware of what we were…
Warmup: wait for Lowes to show The thang: run or ruck in groups of 2. Einstein and Dreamer ran pretty fast. Lowes and Trigger played catch up most of the…