01/13/2022 - Blast Furnace - A Peach of a Day
6 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace during a calm 25 degree morning to share in the sweet celebration of National Peach Melba Day! Following a collective holiday indulgence the last…
6 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace during a calm 25 degree morning to share in the sweet celebration of National Peach Melba Day! Following a collective holiday indulgence the last…
10 PAX for a music beatdown with coupons….I feel like we’ve done this before. Conditions – cold, phone said 18 degrees and feels like 11. Quick disclaimer to get to…
2022 New Year’s (with a bonus S for Supermans) 1/1/2022 7 PAX came out at at 7:00 (to let us sleep in after late countdowns) to #F3BlastFurnace in the misty,…
Conditions : Much warmer than previous days, close to 50! Q : Spike Beatdown : 8 PAX Posted DISCLAIMER : Was given heartily. Warmup : SSHs 10X IC Arm circles…
Ten HIM posted on a drizzly morning. Warm-up: mosey around Reeves Park, then circle up around a Christmas pole for (1) SSH – 20 IC; (2) grass pickers – 10…
Sad Clown S tep up and squat A ustralian snow angels D ips C herkin L L Cool Js O ne Calls W almart burpee N o pushup burpees Pacer…
Conditions : 30°F, clear skies and dry with almost no wind YHC was kind of hyped to show up and see 6 other PAX already there early and ready to…