03/26/2022 - Blast Furnace - Dads Just Wanna Join the FBI
Mufasa from Omaha also came by! Used the Playlist F3 Dad Rock at 120 BPM Warmed up with Moroccan Dance Clubs Grass Pickers Side-Straddle Hops and Burpees to Time is…
Mufasa from Omaha also came by! Used the Playlist F3 Dad Rock at 120 BPM Warmed up with Moroccan Dance Clubs Grass Pickers Side-Straddle Hops and Burpees to Time is…
Conditions : 48° F with rain expected Beatdown : 5 PAX posted It was pleasantly warm, almost 50 degrees – a nice change to the intense cold weather we had…
11 HIM posted at the BlastFurnace for a balmy 10 degree beatdown to honor Nugent, an F3 Omaha comrade and Hall Pass’ cousin who lost his life on September 30,…
Seven PAX came out for the 13 degree weather (but wind chill made it feel like -1) to celebrate National Bagel Day. Sliderule brought hot coffee. (Thanks!) This is how…
10 PAX for a music beatdown with coupons….I feel like we’ve done this before. Conditions – cold, phone said 18 degrees and feels like 11. Quick disclaimer to get to…
Six HIM posted on a chilled (26 degrees) morning for a 12th Night BD. Warmup: mosey around Reeves Park, then circle up for SSH (15 IC), Grass Pickers (15 IC),…
2022 New Year’s (with a bonus S for Supermans) 1/1/2022 7 PAX came out at at 7:00 (to let us sleep in after late countdowns) to #F3BlastFurnace in the misty,…
Conditions : Much warmer than previous days, close to 50! Q : Spike Beatdown : 8 PAX Posted DISCLAIMER : Was given heartily. Warmup : SSHs 10X IC Arm circles…
Ten HIM posted on a drizzly morning. Warm-up: mosey around Reeves Park, then circle up around a Christmas pole for (1) SSH – 20 IC; (2) grass pickers – 10…
Conditions : 30°F, clear skies and dry with almost no wind YHC was kind of hyped to show up and see 6 other PAX already there early and ready to…