01/14/2023 - Blast Furnace - Cadence-Calling Buffet
13 HIM posted on a chilly (32F) windy morning for a buffet of cadence-calling beatdown. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (25x IC), Sprinklers (15x IC), Grass…
13 HIM posted on a chilly (32F) windy morning for a buffet of cadence-calling beatdown. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (25x IC), Sprinklers (15x IC), Grass…
Conditions: 38F and rainy Disclaimer Warmup – The Q overselpt this morning after doing a 5 mile run late at night with Chew Toy (downrange from Annapolis)…he arrived 15 min late after…
Conditions : 55F and the ground was wet from some overnight rain, but not soggy Q : Spike Beatdown : 11 PAX Posted YHC rolled in and saw a large…
9 HIM posted on a chilly (25F) but otherwise picture-perfect morning for a merkin themed beatdown. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (20x IC), Imperial Walkers (15x…
Conditions – 60 and dry, an absolute miracle for November. Started with a real weak disclaimer and a quick warmup of SSHs, grass pickers, imperial walkers, and some stretching. YHC…
Conditions: 60 F and Clear! Disclaimer “Warm Up”: A welcome to Side Effects, the founder of F3 Valley Forge, visiting downrange from Jackson Miss! Hops gave an overview of the workout,…
Disclaimer Warmup – Jog to VFW parking lot SSHs (x10 IC) Imperial Walkers (x10 IC) Hillbilly Walkers (x10 IC) Circle Arms (x10 IC) Arm Circles (x10 IC) Chinooks (x10 IC)…
Disclaimer announced with gusto! Jog to Phoenixville High School with Incline Merkins and Derkins along the way. Warmup SSH’s (x10 IC) Circle Arms (x10 IC) Arm Circles (x10 IC) Imperial…
Backblast: 11 HIM posted on a picture-perfect morning for a buffet beatdown. Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (15x IC), Imperial Walkers (15x IC), Bat Wings (15x,…
9 PAX for a Magellan beatdown. 4 “twin tabatas” = alternating between two exercises for 8 rounds. PAX chose to do these to obnoxious tabata tracks rather than the timer.…