05/17/2021 - Lock Up - Valerie

On Sunday night Trigger and Einstein jokingly, but seriously, accused ElToro of only knowing three exercises. ElToro responded the only way he knew how. By doing two things- 1) requesting…

05/14/2021 - Lock Up - Skip to my lou

Einstein did his best to pay back for my perceived Q-jacking of late. Didn’t take. I have learned no lessons and will make no change to my behavior. Started with…

05/10/2021 - Lock Up - Spartan 300

Warmup. YHC was late. If I had to guess they stood around and didn’t start doing anything until they saw my car pull in. Winklevoss said they did 40merkins -…

05/07/2021 - Lock Up - Last Q as Interim Nantan

I was Q- something Winklevoss and Einstein didn’t really understand. We did 300+ merkins plus some farmer carries, curls and other coupon work prayers for Dora’s grandfather. Thankful Dora has…

F3 Philly