08/23/2021 - Lock Up - FaceTime

YHC went to bed at 8:00 pm last night. I quickly fell asleep and was dreaming of kicking Winklevoss’ ass in arm wrestling when I was woken by my phone…

08/16/2021 - Lock Up - Monday Motivation

Conditions :  70°F, 87% Humidity, no wind, mostly cloudy morning Q : Spike Beatdown  : 11 PAX posted DISCLAIMER :  was given, don’t sue anyone, don’t hurt yourself.  Lets go.…

07/26/2021 - Lock Up - Pyramid of Pain

The warmup: circle arms arm circles abe vigoda michael phelps weed pickers mosey (two laps) The Thang: pyramid of pain – work your way across, up, and back down the…

07/23/2021 - Lock Up - Dome Piece

I was really looking forward to Coupon Friday. Once we realized that the QIC was running late, I decided to run it myself. Delilah had brought out an FNG &…

F3 Philly