02/09/2024 - Honey Pot - Beatles Beat Down

Conditions: 35 and clear Disclaimer Warm Up: Monkey Humpers Side Straddle Hops Sprinkler Plank Up Dog Cobra Dial Up The Thang: PAX performed a “Beatles” beat down in honor of…

02/01/2024 - Blast Furnace - Super Set Tour

Front-Runner VQ Conditions: 33 Degrees and Partly Cloudy Warm Up: Mosey to Holy Family School Parking Lot 20 (IC) Side Straddle Hops 10 (IC) Grass Pickers 10 (IC) Arm Circles…

01/25/2024 - Blast Furnace - HIIT

Conditions: 47 and light rain Warm Up: Monkey Humpers Side Straddle Hops Arm Circles Circle Arms Plank Dial Up Stretch 10 Merkins OYO The Thang: PAX performed a HIIT workout…

12/01/2023 - Honey Pot - Lock Shields

Warmup Hops handled some exercises. ChewToy slept in. ChewToy owes 24 burpees The Thang Partner up 1 partner does walking lunges 1 partner does work Timer 1 minute Goblet Squats…

12/02/2023 - Blast Furnace - Dad Jokes

Backblast:  Conditions: 45 degrees, foggy, wet leaves.  20 HIM posted for a beatdown filled with moseying around, stopping for exercises and Dad Jokes. Warmup:  mosey around the park and circle…

11/10/2023 - Honey Pot - Something about a Q

Doubtfire from Fleetwood joined us this morning also. Warmup SSH Broga Hairy Rockettes Lap Dips Decline merkins Diamond incline merkins All exercises lead in cadence 10 monkey humpers 10 merkins…

F3 Philly