01/06/2025 - Core - Core at the Core

Apocalyptic forecasts stymied some people’s plans but eight high impact men showed up for a beatdown, thumbing their noses at the snow clouds.    WARM UP: by committee around the…

12/06/2024 - Honey Pot - Bromance

A honeypot record showing of 18 PAX, which included a first Valley Forge post by Biscuit from Lehigh Valley, and FNG, Crowd Pleaser. Pre-blast included keyword “bromance” and no one…

11/14/2024 - Blast Furnace - Substitute Q

Conditions: 30 degrees and clear Warm Up: Short Mosey Goof Balls Side Straddle Hops Little Macks Down Dog Dial Up 60 Second Elevator Merkin The Thang: 1/4 Mile Mosey stopping…

11/08/2024 - Honey Pot - Rocky 1

10 HIMs for a crisp mid 40s morning  beatdown. Beatdown was a modified workout inspired by Sylvester Stallone’s Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings: Chest, Back, and Abs workout for Rocky…

F3 Philly