04/17/2024 - Wildcat - Beatdown on Delco’s 3 Year
To celebrate his third year of being an Unshackled Modern Day Warrior, YHC led the Pax through a simple workout using a frisbee. The routine consisted of: The WarmUp SSHs…
To celebrate his third year of being an Unshackled Modern Day Warrior, YHC led the Pax through a simple workout using a frisbee. The routine consisted of: The WarmUp SSHs…
The WarmUp SSHs Imperial Walkers Dialup Stretches Birds in the Dirt Downward Dogs Supermans (place FUPAs on Coupons and raise other extremities) – this is utterly stupid but it does…
Conditions : 32F and clear, moonlit skies! Q : Spike Beatdown : 9 PAX posted DISCLAIMER : was heartily given, including the 5 core principles. Of course, I think at…
ElToro announced the Q by committee and laid out the terms. WU: SSH IC, Plank Jacks IC, Imperial Walker IC, Nantan Crunch IC, Arm Circle IC, Mountain Climber IC the…
Conditions : 53 and it had just poured, so the ground was wet, but the rain held off during the workout! Q : Spike Beatdown : 8 PAX posted YHC…
A lil yoga to warmup…one arm block carry til it (just about) falls off, then 3 man makers and your back at it, carrying w the other arm, and repeat…sundial…
Conditions : 71F and 97% humidity. Rain had just stopped. Q : Spike Beatdown : 6 PAX DISCLAIMER : was given as heartily as YHC could muster on a Monday…
Conditions: 60 F and Clear! Disclaimer “Warm Up”: A welcome to Side Effects, the founder of F3 Valley Forge, visiting downrange from Jackson Miss! Hops gave an overview of the workout,…
Warm up. Creative coupon carry to and from each parking island, with running and a different exercise in between (x3). Mosey. Coupon lifting exercises Merkin walk on lined up coupons…
Conditions : 42 and clear morning with slight wind Q : Spike Beatdown : 10 PAX posted DISCLAIMER : Was heartily given and accepted Warmup : SSHs 10X IC Wide…