02/24/2024 - Philly - Q By Committee

Good ‘ole fashioned Q by committee around Old City Philly this morning.  Ma’ne is nursing a gimpy calf (again), so Ping led us to Franklin square for calf raises and…

09/18/2021 - Philly - Jordan

Tribute workout to my first dog Jordan. After 16 yrs the wife and I decided it was time. Miss my buddy! warmup : SSH / imperial walkers / dialup stretch…

05/08/2021 - Philly - Interim Nantan finale

6 for GoRuck miles (Boyant, winklevoss, bandit, Borg, Einstein, ElToro) to the bridge and back. Winklevoss and Boyant were trying to get away from us. Had a few Phillies yell/bark…

F3 Philly