08/16/2021 - Lock Up - Monday Motivation

Conditions :  70°F, 87% Humidity, no wind, mostly cloudy morning Q : Spike Beatdown  : 11 PAX posted DISCLAIMER :  was given, don’t sue anyone, don’t hurt yourself.  Lets go.…

07/26/2021 - Lock Up - Pyramid of Pain

The warmup: circle arms arm circles abe vigoda michael phelps weed pickers mosey (two laps) The Thang: pyramid of pain – work your way across, up, and back down the…

07/23/2021 - Lock Up - Dome Piece

I was really looking forward to Coupon Friday. Once we realized that the QIC was running late, I decided to run it myself. Delilah had brought out an FNG &…

07/19/2021 - Lock Up - Spike Peer Pressure

Spike’s gauntlet from the prior Monday to “bring it” in the summer heat led your QiC to worry over the weekend leading up to the morning’s gloom.  Fear of making…

06/28/2021 - Lock Up - No Mask

Warmup: dialup stretch / arm circles / SSHs The thang: today the PA mask mandate has been lifted after 439days. We exercised 45secs and rested 22secs. Not so lazy boys…

06/18/2021 - Lock Up - Top to bottom

Warmup: SSHs / arm circles the thang: worked top to bottom -shrugs -overhead press -curls -rows – kB swings -lifetime (abs) -squats with some moseys did 2 rounds of Q…

06/11/2021 - Lock Up - Soggy Six

Conditions – Rainy and cool.  Improvement over hot and humid Disclaimer and F3 Core Principles delivered. Prompt start.  Cheers Toledo Warm Up 20 SSH IC, 10 Low slow squats IC,…

F3 Philly