AO: Lock Up
When: 05/17/2021
Number of Pax: 13
Pax Names: Commish, Delilah, Dora, Einstein, ElToro, Father Delco, Gouda, Humboldt, Legkick, Pebbles, Spike, Trigger, Winklevoss,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: ElToro
The BackBlast:
On Sunday night Trigger and Einstein jokingly, but seriously, accused ElToro of only knowing three exercises. ElToro responded the only way he knew how. By doing two things-
1) requesting Valerie, by Steve Winwood, to be the first song of the workout
2) doing a waterfall workout-20 reps of merkins, ssh, crunches. The only three exercises he knows. Plus a mosey between each set. By the end we did nearly 220 of each exercise plus 2+ miles of running.
Two notable moments from this workout:
1) Einstein was 15 mins late
2) Winklevoss showed respect and allegiance by waiting for the Qs direction to mosey
cot- thankful we are able to wake up and do the things we do. Pebbles said it best. Thank you Pebbles for sharing and thank you Spike for closing us out