AO: Lock Up

When: 05/10/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Dora, Dreamer, Einstein, ElToro, Gouda, Humboldt, Legkick, Pebbles, Spike, Trigger, Winklevoss,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Einstein

The BackBlast:

Warmup. YHC was late. If I had to guess they stood around and didn’t start doing anything until they saw my car pull in. Winklevoss said they did 40merkins – ET said they did nothing and lead silent sshs to 15. Fail penalty was burpees or merkins. Don’t remember.

The Thang: Spartan 300: (10 merkins then 1/8mi mosey) – 30 times. Without modifying (up/down) workout guarantees 300merkins and 3.75miles.

COT: injuries, dreamer back and healthy

Naked man Moleskin: Pebbles did 20 each round = 600merks (we will see how many puts down on the official sheet) and 3.74mi according to strava. ET wore his slippers and robe so he modified the mosey to a walk of maybe 1/10th of mile total. Dreamer was so happy to be back he looked like he just got done playing in the rain. Gouda needs a name change to Merk (he loves merkins more than push-ups). Humboldt is a machine. Legkick enjoys conversational moseys. Trigger enjoys AYG moseys. Spike’s sarcasm is the best! Dora is still the new kid at school, can’t wait to see him break out of his shell. Winklevoss wore his Thundercats sweater HOOOO!

Tough BD! Proud of the PAX modified (up/down) as necessary. Love F3 at LockUp

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