AO: Lock Up

When: 02/06/2023


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Captain, Commish, Delilah, Dora, ElToro, Father Delco, Franks & Beans, Spike, Tappan zee,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spike

The BackBlast:

Conditions :  32F and clear, moonlit skies!
Q : Spike
Beatdown  : 9 PAX posted 

DISCLAIMER : was heartily given, including the 5 core  principles.  Of course, I think at least 2 or 3 PAX arrived after the Disclaimer, but YHC was satisfied that this hard core bunch of guys  knew the disclaimer anyway!

YHC was pleased to see the temperature this morning hovering just above freezing, as the weekend was brutal here in Southeastern Pennsylvania.  The temps were around 11F on Saturday, with real feel of -1, so today felt downright cozy!

YHC arrived early, but not early enough to beat Dora and ElToro, who were already waiting and stretching.  Grabbing the 50 pound sandbag from my trunk, we got it going.

Warmup :  

  1. 10x SSHs IC
  2. 10x arm circles IC
  3. 10x chinooks IC
  4. 10x circle arms IC
  5. 10x sprinklers IC
  6. 10x Weed Pickers IC
  7. Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) into Cobra stretch
  8. Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds
  9. Mosey loop around the apartment building

Today happened to be National CHOPSTICKS day, and since YHC needed some kind of motivation as to what to Q, this helped greatly.  YHC also knew he wanted to use his newly acquired 50 pound sandbag, and thus, the workout created itself from nothingness.

After the mosey we circled up for the first exercise below.  After each letter, one of the PAX, in order of age – from youngest to oldest – grabbed the sandbag and started to take off around the 0.1 mile loop.  Once the PAX started moving, the rest of the guys did 5 SSHs in Cadence and then TOOK OFF after the guy with the sandbag.

YHC explained that IF the guy with the sandbag got back to the starting point FIRST, then all of the other PAX would do 5 penalty burpees.

Man, you never saw a guy with a 50 pound sandbag move so fast as these guys!  Truly some rock solid men!

The Thang : National Chopsticks Day
C Carolina Dry Docks 15X IC
H Hand Release Merkins 15X OR Hillbillies 15X IC
O Outlaw – 10X to the left, 10X to the right IC
P Plank Jacks – 20X
S Squats, Copperhead – 20X
T Tempo Merkins 15X IC
I Imperial Walkers 15X IC
C Crabs, Low Country – 15X
K Knerkin – Aka “Chuck Norris” Knuckle Merkins – 10X IC
S Sweat Angels – 15X IC

TWO High Impact Men made it around the loop without being caught!  Commish and TappanZee.

After spelling everything out, and the last man made it around the circle we did a final mosey lap and then did a hot potato. PAX form a circle with everyone facing out. PAX then pass a heavy object (in this case the 50# sand bag) around the outside of the circle while in squat position.

We went first to the right, then the left.  Then back to the left, and then the right again.

Circled up for some 6MOM to finish it off, including :
High Plank with right hand up for 10 seconds (and right leg)
High Plank with left hand up for 10 seconds (and left leg)
E2K – 10X IC with right foot, then 10X IC with left foot
Heel Taps – 10X IC
Freddy Mercury – 10X IC


Announcements included some good Q’s coming up this week, and as always, get your name on the Q sheet!

COT included prayers for a VF PAX who recently lost his dad and his job!

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