AO: Lock Up
When: 07/12/2021
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names: Big Daddy, Commish, Dora, Einstein, ElToro, Father Delco, SharkToof, Spike, Trigger, Winklevoss,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Spike
The BackBlast:
Conditions : 75°F , feels like 81, and 88% humidity. Cloudy.
10 PAX posted
DISCLAIMER : A hearty disclaimer as given by YHC, as Trigger reminded me to mention that we always end with a Circle of Trust and then we got to it!
YHC was excited to Q at the LockUp this morning. Not sure why, but Merkin Mondays always get me moving, and the guys at Lockup, Philly and Villanova have been killing it recently. The energy is palpable as the guys gather in the mornings, which is awesome, and helps get me out of the old Fartsack. And NO, much to Winklevoss’s chagrin, YHC does not spend ages upon ages looking up unique and horrible exercises in the F3 Exicon. But definitely more time than he should. 🙂
The air this morning was HOT and HUMID, already 75 at 05:15AM. Everyone was pretty drenched when we finished.
Warmup :
- SSHs 10X IC
- Arm circles 10X IC
- Michael Phelps 10X IC
- Chinooks 10X IC
- Sprinklers 10X IC
- Weed Pickers 10X IC
- Abe Vigodas 10X IC
- Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) stretch
- Cobra Pose stretch
- Best Stretch Ever – right leg 5 seconds, left leg 5 seconds
- Wave of Merkins (first man did 1 merkin, around the ring while the rest planked. Then 2 merkins, then 3 merkins)
The Thang :
Just another Merkin Monday
Round 1 : 10X IC copperhead merkins
10X IC Copperhead squats
Round 2 : 10X IC jumping spider merkins
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC flutter kicks
mosey with bernie sanders
It was around this time that one of the PAX asked “is that a real exercise?” So to satisfy everyone’s suspicions, YHC will include links on the more unusual names, directly to the F3 Exicon site. YHC should have seen this as the start of the mutiny, but did not notice it until later. Much later. Too late.
Round 3 : 10X IC merkin wipes
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC E2K (each side)
mosey – carioca facing right
Round 4 : 15x IC mountain climber merkins
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC boxcutters
mosey – carioca facing left
Round 5 : 10x IC merkin roll
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC superman swims
mosey – weekend at bernies
It was around this time that YHC figured his well written Weinke might need to be modified, or the PAX might all walk out and leave him behind. Regardless, YHC pushed onward.
Round 6 : 10x IC power merkins w partner
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC partner throw-downs
mosey – lunge walk
The power merkins, usually a fan favorite, got met with some incredulous remarks. About this time is when ElToro led the revolt, and the “mosey lap with a twist” reverted to simple-plain-old-moseys. YHC was downtrodden, but not by much, as he led the group in a stunning rendition of “Let it Go” from Frozen. For some reason, YHC was the only one singing, which caused remarks of “too much coffee” or something.
Round 7 : 10x IC werkins (wide-arm)
10x IC Copperhead squats
20x OYO big-boi situps
Round 8 : 10x IC fingertip merkins
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC hello dolly
Round 9 : 10x IC some kind of merkins (YHC forgets)
10x IC Copperhead squats
10x IC freddy mercury
6MOM was incorporated into the workout.
COT included a 6 man share from Big Daddy, who reminded us that when your 2.0s ask you to be a part of their lives, whether its something simple like “lets go fishing, Dad” or something more extravagant – take that opportunity! Prayers for SharkToof and his M expecting their 3rd!
One man splashed merlot this morning, which got YHC thinking. “Was this the first time someone splashed merlot during a beatdown I Q’d?” I think so. Is that a badge of honor, or did I Q something wrong ? You be the judge!
YHC needs to start a list of exercises that the PAX will refuse to do. So far we’ve got :
– power merkins
– weekend at bernie’s
– no partner carries were done today, but some mumble chatter regarding that also being off-limit.
– Bonnie Blairs, bear crawls and crab walks are NOT well liked at this AO either.
– ElToro hates kettle bell swings too.
As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead the men this morning. Thank you all for putting up with me.
Quick note for those who don’t want to follow the links on the more obscure exercises above :
Copperhead merkin : down 1-2-3- up for 1
Jumping spider : Merkin with a bounce on the up, getting hands and feet off the ground
Merkin Roll : everyone in plank position. Merkin, then roll to your left. Merkin, then roll to your left. Merkin, x3 – then roll back.
Merkin Wipes : down and touch nose to each hand IC
Mountain climber merkin : 1,2,3 – down! IC
Partner Throw Downs : amazingly enough, this one isn’t in the Exicon – but it should be! One partner lies on his back. The other partner stands at partner 1’s head, and 1 grabs the ankles of partner 2. Partner 1 lifts his legs up to partner 2 (kind of like a v-up). Partner 2 “throws” Partner 1’s legs back down, usually straight, but could be one side or another. 10 of each, then switch, then 10 more.
Power Merkin : merkin while your planking partner’s feet on your back
Wave of Merkins : Circle up, in plank position, first person does one merkin, then the next person to the right does a merkin, should look like a wave flowing around the circle, until you get back to the first person who then performs 2 merkins, repeat all the way up to 10 and back down. Stay in plank position the entire time. (YHC only did up to 3, since we had other Merkin variants to get through!)
Weekend at Bernies : This is a partner drag exercise where one partner is a “causality” and the other partner has to get him down the field. Any type of drag can be used for this exercise. YHC had one partner grab the other partner from behind, under the arms, and drag him.