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02/23/2025 - Blast Furnace - The Magic Eight Ball Q with Presidents day Warm-up


AO: The Core
Location: Limerick Community Park
Date: Monday, February 17th, 2025 (Washington’s Birthday / Presidents’ Day)
06:30 EST – Hardcore Beatdown
07:15 EST – Coffeeteria
Weather: 27°F, clear very very windy
AO: #thecore
Q:@Inspector Gadget
PAX: @Dutch Oven , @Hall Pass, @Dogg, @Spike, @Inspector Gadget , @Bon Bon, @Balboa
FNGs: None
Count: 7
The Thang:
Warm-o-Rama: Presidential Edition
Seven HIMs braved the windy gloom to honor our presidents. Fun facts dropped: Washington’s 282nd birthday (Feb 22, 1732), Lincoln’s 205th (Feb 12, 1809), Grant birthed Yellowstone, Teddy’s got the most parks. Officially “Washington’s Birthday”—sorry, Abe. Then we hit the Ultimate Presidents’ Warm-Up:
Football High Knees (Gerald Ford): 5 steps lateral, right then left—gridiron vibes.
BBall Free Throw Squat (Obama): Squat, shoot, jump—hoops swagger.
Fast Feet (G.W. Bush): Sprint in place—sub-4-hour marathon pace.
Bowling Front Lunge (Nixon): Lunge, bowl—White House alley nostalgia.
Baseball Bat Chop (Carter): Diagonal chop—Navy vet swinging hard.
Kneeling Swimming Strokes (Reagan): Freestyle arms—77 lives saved.
Jiu-Jitsu Hips (Teddy): Hip twists—Rough Rider grit.
Wrestling Crawl (Lincoln): 3 steps forward, 3 back—Honest Abe’s mat skills.
Main Beatdown: Magic 8 Ball Q
PAX took turns asking the Magic 8 Ball—20 answers, vague as a politician’s promise. Each picked an exercise, then fate decided:
Affirmative (Do It): “It is certain,” “Yes definitely,” etc.—exercise locked in. Examples: Merkins x 20, Squats x 20, LBCs x 30.
Negative (Run): “Don’t count on it,” “Outlook not so good”—sprint 100 ft, new question.
Neutral (Both): “Reply hazy,” “Cannot predict now”—10 Burpees or 20 Merkins, then mosey 200 ft, re-ask.
Bonus: Flamingo Merkins (Q’s call)—bend at waist, hands to toes, walk out to plank with one leg up, merkin, walk back, switch legs. Reps to taste. Wind howled, PAX growled—fortune favored the bold.
Mary: Skipped—Magic 8 Ball ran us ragged.
COT (Circle of Trust):
Count-o-Rama: 7
Name-o-Rama: Rolled call—no FNGs, all gloom-tested.
Turtleshell Move Party: Feb 22, ~08:00—details TBD. Bring muscle.
Convergence: Get a list—who’s in, full weekend or one day? No slackers.
Thirsty Thursday: Feb 20, 18:30 EST—time may shift, ping Element for intel.
Dutch Oven: Heal up, stay strong, brother—thanks for the fight.
Dogg’s Father-in-Law: Speedy recovery—hoping he catches Cap America.
Closed with a prayer in the wind—grateful for the PAX.
27°F and a wind that’d wake Washington himself—7 PAX showed up to lead and sweat. Presidential warm-up had us laughing through the chill, then the Magic 8 Ball threw curveballs. Flamingo Merkins tested balance, sprints tested lungs. Leadership’s local—starts with us in the gloom. Coffee warmed what the wind stole. SYITG!:8ball:

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