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08/25/2021 - Wildcat - The Birth of the Delco Nightclub

YHC was running on E so a stop at LUKOIL was necessary on the way to AO, necessitating a mad text to Ping. Unfortunately for everyone else, Ping told El Toro, who took the reigns and started the warm up (sorry everybody).

Though El Toro forgot to do Abe Vigodas, luckily I got there in time to throw some in before moseying to Business Park so that we could take advantage of the lights (days are getting shorter…)

Sidebar: YHC did workout with 30# ruck, a fact that was pre-blasted. There were 1.5 PAX that joined in wearing a ruck this a.m.

The thang: Deck of Death with Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Squats, and Flying Squirels

Mid workout a new exercise was (painfully) birthed: the Delco Nightclub. It’s squats while doing Moroccan nightclubs. That’s it. You’re welcome men of F3Nation for bringing this into your lives, look for it in an Exicon near you.

Sidebar: I desperately wanted to ditch my ruck mid workout, because it sucked, but then how could I possibly talk smack to the rest of the PAX? I persisted.

Afterwards a few rounds of heel taps and Freddie Mercuries to wake up our abs (with no rest between, you’re welcome).

Mosey back to flag, COT (Yes, things were shared. No, I’m not going to share them with you, internet)

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