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08/11/2022 - Blast Furnace - Return to Spike Hill

Return to Spike Hill : Tables of Turmoil / Wall of Woe / Hill of Hurt

Conditions :  73F with 96% humidity.  Rain just ended, ground was soggy, air was thick and humid
Q : Spike
Beatdown  : 8 PAX posted

The air was thick – not as hot as previous days, but the humidity hung heavy in the air.  The darkness seemed so much deeper than just a few days ago, as YHC considered switching up the short mosey to Manavon Park, hoping the dark run wouldn’t be too dark, but it surely wasn’t.  YHC had done this routine about a year ago at the Blast Furnace, but after a careful search, came to the conclusion that most of those guys wouldn’t be here this morning – and if they did, doubted anyone would mind doing the same beatdown twice in a year.

The worry was for nothing, since Humboldt was the only one at the beatdown in 2021 that could remember it, and he said he didn’t!  YHC guesses it wasn’t that memorable!

The men arrived in short order, with Magellan pulling in earlier than usual (with around 1 minute to spare!).

A heart disclaimer was given, including a reminder of the 5 core principles of F3, and then we circled up around the flag.

Warmup : 

  1. 10x side straddle hops IC
  2. 10x goofballs IC  (thankful to Humbold for reminding YHC about this great exercise!)
  3. 10x arm circles  IC
  4. 10x Chinooks IC
  5. 10x circle arms IC
  6. 10x sprinklers IC
  7. 10x Abe Vigodas IC
  8. High plank into “best stretch ever  / Dial-Up stretch” right foot / left foot 10 seconds each.
  9. Cobra pose stretch
  10. 10x plank jacks IC

Mosey to Manavon Street Park Pavilion (0.3 miles)


The Thang :
At the Picnic Tables, stations for each table :

  1. Picnic Table 1 : incline merkins (Irkins)
  2. Picnic Table 2 : step ups
  3. Picnic Table 3 : decline merkins (Derkins)
  4. Picnic Table 4 : dips

The PAX on the decline merkin table performed 20, counting the reps out loud, while the other 3 tables did 20 reps of their own exercises (marked with little strips of paper held down by orange cones YHC had placed earlier).

Once 20 are completed, everyone moves to the next table.
Everyone gets one round through, then mosey to the Wall.

Manavon Park has a lovely white wall that was intended to be used for tennis – you hit the ball at the wall, it comes back, you hit it again.  YHC has used this wall multiple times for various beatdowns, and it always brings a smile. 🙂


Round 1
20 of each exercise at the tables
Mosey to the tennis “wall”
10x People’s Chair with air presses IC
Balls to the wall – each PAX counted 10 seconds : 10 seconds x 8 pax = 80 seconds BTTW
Mosey to the bottom of Spike Hill for flutter kicks 10x IC
Bernie Sanders to the top of the hill
Mosey back to the tables.


Round 2
18 of each exercise at the tables
Mosey to the tennis “wall”
8x People’s Chair with air presses IC
Balls to the wall – each PAX counted 8 seconds : 8 seconds x 8 pax = 64 seconds BTTW
Mosey to the bottom of Spike Hill for gas pumpers 10x IC
Bernie Sanders to the top of the hill
Mosey back to the tables.


Round 3
16 of each exercise at the tables
Mosey to the tennis “wall”
6x People’s Chair with air presses IC
Balls to the wall – each PAX counted 6 seconds : 6 seconds x 8 pax = 48 seconds BTTW
Mosey to the bottom of Spike Hill for gas pumpers 10x IC
Bernie Sanders to the top of the hill
Mosey back to the tables.

YHC checked his watch to see we wouldn’t make another round, so we did some ab work under the pavilion :

6MOM :
On the bench, inclined wife pleasers 10X IC
Holding onto the bench, leg raises 10X IC
Using feet to hold the bench joist, WWII sit-ups 10X IC

We took the picture while under the pavilion, which turned out great!

Mosey back to the Flag (0.3 miles).

Count-o-rama : 8

COT included thoughts for people recovering from COVID, a good report on a cancer diagnosis, and the long wait until a son is born (hopefully soon!).  Spend time with your children while you can – remember that “Cats in the Cradle” song!

Coffeeteria by Hall Pass!

As always, it is a pleasure and honor to lead the men at the Blast Furnace!  YHC had fun running this one , and it seemed to go over well, as we were all drenched – not from the rain, but from sweat!

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