Post Office Beatdown:
-Warm Up:
–Mosey short loop
-AC’s and CA’s
-Abe Vagodas
-Grass Grabber
-Dial up Stretch/Downward Dog
-Thang: The Mail Route
-Grab a coupon and a partner
“Post Office”
-Partner 1 runs the short loop, Partner 2 does squats with the posts, switch
-Mosey with coupons to Stop 1
“Stop 1” (church mailbox)
-Partner 1 runs the short loop, Partner 2 does Kettle Bells, switch
-Mosey with coupons to Stop 2
“Stop 2” (pavilion)
–Step ups with coupons while partner runs the short loop
-Murder bunny to baseball field home plate
“Stop 3” (baseball field)
-Grave diggers while partner runs loop behind the church
-Sugar cookies! (10 Superman’s in the newly cut wet grass, 10 hand release merkins and big boy sit-ups on the infield)
-Mosey to back of church
“Stop 4” (back of church)
-Overhead presses while partner runs the loop behind the church
Mosey back to “Post Office” – squats with Posts