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10/24/2022 - Lock Up - PHILLIES

Conditions :  53 and it had just poured, so the ground was wet, but the rain held off during the workout!
Q : Spike
Beatdown  : 8 PAX posted 

YHC had missed the last few Mondays at the Lockup, since the Core opened, so he figured it was time to pay a visit.  The Q sheet said “ElToro/Q By Committee,” but YHC had an idea, after the Phillies made it to the World Series last night!  At around 4am when the alarm rang, YHC heard the rain pouring down, and figured it was going to be a soggy mess, but by 0515, the rain had stopped, and it was rather pleasant!

Arriving early, YHC asked ElToro (who is always the first one at this AO, no matter if he’s Q’ing or not!) if it was ok if YHC “jacked the Q.”  ElToro agreed, and off we went.

YHC provided a hearty disclaimer, amazing not only himself, but also Tappan Zee, who remarked on it later in the beatdown.

Warmup :  

  1. 10x SSHs IC
  2. 10x arm circles IC
  3. 10x chinooks IC
  4. 10x circle arms IC
  5. 10x sprinklers IC
  6. 10x Weed Pickers IC
  7. Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) into Cobra stretch
  8. Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds
  9. Mosey loop around the apartment building complex.  YHC made sure to keep quiet this time, after being chastised the last time by ElToro for being too loud counting in cadence while people slept!

The Thang :
Arriving back in a circle at our starting position, we began with a round of exercises to commemorate the PHILLIES making it through the regular season and the playoffs to the World Series!

Plank Jacks x20 IC
Hand release merkins x15 IC
Imperial Walkers x15 IC
Lunges x20 IC (10 each leg)
LBCs x20 IC
Irkins x15 OYO
E2K x20 IC (10 each leg)
SSHs x15 IC

We got in 3 rounds, moseying around the apartment complex each round, and then a final lap around the shorter loop in front of the Police Station.

We ended with 10 seconds of side planking on each time, and finished with COT.  Prayers for a Philly SWAT Member who just got released from the hospital and is on the mend.

As always, it was an honor to Q this morning.  YHC was pretty hyped, even without watching the games over the weekend, that our team (guess YHC can say “Our Team” without watching?) was moving onto the World Series.  YHC isn’t really a sports follower, so trying to keep up with the other PAX is a losing battle.

YHC gets his education on sports, cars and music in the Gloom.  What better place is there? 🙂

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