Conditions : 70°F, 87% Humidity, no wind, mostly cloudy morning
Q : Spike
Beatdown : 11 PAX posted
DISCLAIMER : was given, don’t sue anyone, don’t hurt yourself. Lets go.
YHC arrived a little bit early, but not before 4 ruckers were already out and about (Einstein, Dora, ElToro and Father Delco) getting in 2.0 miles as a pre-ruck at 04:43AM. Dedication! Or perhaps they knew my Q was going to be easy and decided to “modify up?”
Just as those 4 PAX were arriving, YHC got it going.
Warmup :
- 10x side straddle hops IC
- 10x arm circles IC
- 10x Michael Phelps IC
- 10x circle arms IC
- 10x Daisy Pickers IC
- 10x Peter Parkers IC
- 10x Parker Peters IC
- 10x Weed Pickers IC
Mosey around the Radnor Preserve Apartments loop (about 230m)
The Thang :
As a group : 4 exercises x 20 reps for 5 rounds.
At completion of each round, mosey around the Radnor Apartment front loop.
- Incline Merkin, Lunges, Plank Jacks, Freddy Mercury
- Decline Merkin, Squats, Side Straddle Hop, Flutter Kicks
- Wide Arm Merkin, Reverse Lunge, Mountain Climbers, American Hammer
- Diamond Merkin, Low Slow Squat, Imperial Walker, Rosalita
- Tricep Dips, Alternating Side Squat, Burpees, Big Boy Situps
We went on a bit of a longer mosey, this time up the steps to the front of the Radnor Township Police Department where we circled up.
10X Australian Sweat Angels IC
Planking with right hand & right leg up : 10s
Planking with left hand & left leg up : 10s
Cobra pose stretch 10s
Child’s pose stretch 10s
15x Derkins IC around the circle
Mosey back to the Skate Park for some quick Mary :
20X IC Outlaws
20X IC E2K (10 each side)
Happy to see 11 of us out on a Monday morning where there were SO MANY reasons to stay in bed!
Announcements :
September 6th is coming up – the 5th year Manniversary of F3 Lehigh Valley at the Lil Lehigh Fishery near Allentown, PA from 7am-9pm. Gotta be there for that.
IRONPAX Challenge is coming up in September. Lots of chatter around this. Signing up is a cool of way of supporting them, and is totally FREE.
Circle of Trust :
Prayers for kids going back to school, and the house getting used to it again. Make time to do stuff with your kids while you can!