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12/10/2022 - Blast Furnace - Merkins at the Hill

9 HIM posted on a chilly (25F) but otherwise picture-perfect morning for a merkin themed beatdown.

Warmup: mosey lap around Reeves park, followed by SSH (20x IC), Imperial Walkers (15x IC), Bat Wings, Hillbilly Walkers (15x IC), Smurf Jacks (15x IC), and some solid stretching.

Mosey to Reeves statue for a one-minute AMRAP BBSU, and Copperhead Merkins (10x IC).

Mosey to Manavon Park pavillion.  Along the way, do reverse hand merkins &calf raises.  Stop at the pavillion, and do Dips (20x IC), American Hammer (20x IC), and Step-ups (20x IC).

Mosey to Spike Hill for a no-count DORA.  Five sets:

PAX 1 – jog down the hill, do Merkins, run up the hill.

PAX 2 – exercise on top of hill.

Set 1: Pax 1 – 5 diamond merkins  |  Pax 2 – burpees

Set 2: Pax 1 – 10 rangers merkins  |  Pax 2 – plank jacks

Set 3: Pax 1 – 15 wide-arm merkins  |  Pax 2 – gas pumpers

Set 4: Pax 1 – 20 archer merkins  |  Pax 2 – imperial squat walkers

Set 5: Pax 1 – 25 regular merkins  |  Pax 2 – mountain climbers

Mosey to stage.  ALong the way, do reverse hand merkins.

6 MoM:  Mary-O-Rama – wind-shield wipers; LBCs, partner throw-down, E2K, superman, flutter kicks, boat-canoe, red bull smurf jacks.

Great to have BeBop from Houston (the Woodlands) join us from down range … Welcome, and hope to see you again!

Good work!

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