No warm up. No disclaimer. We got right to it with 15 manmakers. Then we took a mosey lap. Then 14 manmakers, mosey, repeat. We took a break at 10 and did burpees instead. All in all we did 110 manmakers. Takeaways from today:
-Winklevoss praised YHC for running a good workout to which I was grateful.
-Einstein complained and hijacked the last five minutes, to which I was grateful because I was tired.
-Pearl Jam is the best band of all time. At least Legkick and I think so.
-Our troops are heroes, and so are their families and spouses who support them
I’m thankful for f3 and the friendships I’ve made. I appreciate all of you pushing me to my limit. To paraphrase Spike- I don’t like manmakers which I why I chose to do them today.
“My advice for success and happiness: compete with yourself, but root for everyone else”
-someone said this. I forget who