8 Pax took advantage of the only cool part of the day to entertain the Q’s gaming habits.
Conditions: gorgeous, low 70’s and not humid
F3 Core Principles and Disclaimer was delivered and warm up around the flag.
Warm Up
YHC got to practice proper cadence sequence. Thanks to El Toro’s for mentor demonstration at Lockup BD.
Mountain Climbers 20IC , Plank Jacks 20IC, Grass Pickers 10IC, some stretching (Dial Up stretch, Michael Phelps, touch the toes). Only half lap mosey to preserve a hurting Tuck after a late evening of new job celebration (Whoo hoo!). Turns out, he’s not in his 20’s anymore.
Carried the coupons to pavilion for a little street craps. Pretty sure not the first time that has happened at Reeves. The exercises were set, but not the reps. Main BD consisted of 4 major sets of exercises, 2 with partner, 2 individual. Dice sum were the reps count except for 7 and 11. Lucky #7 was partner exercise. One parnter rifle carried coupon one direction out of pavilion. Other partner moseyed out the other direction. Where they met on the sidewalk, coupon was transferred, direction of travel kept the same. #11 was bear crawl to Reeves statue and mosey back.
- Man-makers with coupon for prescribed number of reps – partner did AMRAP jump knee tucks while waiting for coupon
- Luke Sidewinders – everyone at once
- Box jumps/Around the world jumps – everyone at once, each box was 1 rep
- Thrusters with coupon for for prescribed number of reps – partner did plank while waiting for coupon
Group did two full sets, then took intermission consisting of 15 overhead tricep extensions with coupon, 20 reverse merkin (pullups) on/under the benches, and 30 second of Balls to the Wall. Then back to the regularly scheduled program.
Lady Luck was definitely on our side. PAX seemed to always roll big numbers, got through almost 4 sets of main exercises, (at least) four 7’s, and one 11. There might have been another 7, but the die was ‘accidentally’ kicked off the stage just as the likely result became clear. The world will never know for sure.
Incidentally, I don’t think anyone was worried this dice game would be habit forming.
6MOM consisted of 50 American Hammers, 20 Big Boys, 20 V-ups, 20 Hello Dolly’s and Tuck melting into the grass and achieving an unnatural level of flatness.
COT – Rugrat was 6th man and talked about what F3 has meant to him. Praises to graduates and the recognition Kindergarten, 5th grade, and 8th graduations are more than participation trophy exercises, as described by one cynic (YHC). Each of those represent significant points in the young lives of the kids and for us parents. At each stage, the kids move from a distinct phase, e.g. toddler to little kids, little kids to teen, etc … So, yes, the ceremonies do often seem a little much to this cynic, and I will humbly submit not a bad thing to take a moment to acknowledge the 2.0s growing up and give us as parents an occasion to mentally/emotionally process.
Coffeeteria presented by our fine sponsor, Spike.