Coupon Friday
Bebop: Old 97s
Coupon Friday is my favorite beatdown of the week. YHC had not Q’ed on in a while, so I wanted to be sure to give the pax what they deserve.
It was cool enough that Dora wore a knit cap, but Loogie held out and wore shorts with no tights. Commish showed no ill effects of his time spent on Florida. Delilah sported a jaunty bobble hat.
A quick disclaimer was given as these are some veteran pax. Then Big Daddy went and got a pair of gloves for ElToro as he only had half a set.
Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Circle Arms, Abe Vigodas (with a pretty busted cadence count by YHC).
Thang: Started with one man maker, one coupon row & one coupon curl then a lap. Next round was two man makers, two coupon rows & two coupon curls then a lap. We continued up to round 10.
For recovery, we did partner famers carries of two coupons each, switching off with our partners as needed to complete a loop.
Next came a series of coupon exercises then a shuffle lap that ended with a hard sprint.
Last was coupon press flutter kicks.
CoT: How important F3 is helping fight the Mental Battle.
Coffeeteria: Legkick brought a nice warm carafe, which was much appreciated by all.