Backblast: 10 HIM posted on a dark but pleasant morning, for a trip to Spike Hill.
Warmup: circle up around the flags. SSH (10x IC), Imperial Walkers (10x IC), Bat wings, Hillbilly Walkers (10x IC), Sprinklers (15x IC), and some solid stretching.
Mosey to Manovan Park. Step-ups, on alternating legs (15x IC) + Dips (15x IC). Then mosey to Spike Hill.
Set 1: Pax 1 jogs down the hill, does 10 merkins, runs up hill at 75% effort). Meanwhile, Pax 2 does Imperial Squat Walkers until Pax 1 returns. Switch.
Set 2: RnR with LBCs.
Set 3: RnR with Bobby Hurleys
Set 4: RnR with Freddie Mercury’s
Set 5: RnR with alternating forward lunges
Set 6: RnR with flutter kicks
Mosey to the Tennis Court for a “Ring of Fire Without the Music,” i.e., circle of merkins, as many reps as possible.
Mosey back to the stage for circle of MoM: American Hammer, hell taps, heels to heaven, plank, alternating toe-touch, boat/canoe, shoulder taps.
Good work, fellahs!