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07/13/2023 - Blast Furnace - BLIMPS and Knerkins

Conditions : 67F and 91% humidity, partly cloudy
Q : Spike
Beatdown  : 13 PAX posted, including 1 FNG

YHC arrived at AO to find a few guys already there, milling about, already stretching.  Very exciting start!  The air was warm and humid, but that’s what it’s been like this summer in our area, so nothing new there.

I planted the flag and within a few minutes, it was time to rumble.  Seeing we had an FNG, I gave an even more rousing disclaimer than usual (well, I thought it was rousing, not sure about anyone else, although I think I heard Element ask if I had pre-recorded that) and we were off!

Warmup :  

  1. 10x SSHs IC
  2. 10x arm circles  IC
  3. 10x chinooks IC
  4. 10x circle arms  IC
  5. 10x sprinklers IC
  6. 10x weed pickers IC
  7. Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) stretch then Cobra Pose
  8. Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds with hands in the air
  9. 10x Plank Jacks IC

The Thang :
BLIMPS Mile around Reeves Park.
Starting with corner of Main and 3rd, we did a B (5 burpees), and adding a letter each time we stopped as we rounded the park.

(5) Burpees
(5) Burpees + (10) Lunges
(5) Burpees + (10) Lunges +
(15) Imperial Walkers
(5) Burpees + (10) Lunges + (15) Imperial Walkers +
(20) Merkins
(5) Burpees + (10) Lunges + (15) Imperial Walkers + (20) Merkins +
(25) Plank Jacks
(5) Burpees + (10) Lunges + (15) Imperial Walkers + (20) Merkins + (25) Plank Jacks +
(30) Squats (low-slow aka copperhead)

We mosey-d up Starr Street and over to the field across from the Acme.  I had seen this field many times, but recently I pondered why we never did a beatdown there.  A nice open field, out of the way of traffic ?  Sure it had some bald patches, but most of the grass was green and luscious!

We lined up, grabbed a partner, facing each other.
20 partner patty-cake merkins
Crawl bear to the end of the grass.
20 merkins OYO
Bear crawl to the center

20 partner patty-cake big-boi situps
Walk-crab back 20 paces
20 Low Country Crabs
Crab-walk to the center

Lots of groans on this one.  Maybe too much upper body?  Nah!

Mosey across the street to the bottom of “Spike Hill.”

5 diamond merkins
10 bobby hurleys
20 LBCs 

Run up the hill

Near the playground :
5 chuck norris merkins
10 SSHs
15 flutter kicks

Mosey back to the flag

COT : Prayers for those looking for jobs, and for a 2.0’s elbow injury.  Also during coffeeteria we heard about one of the local dog walkers (the dog’s name is Argus, a feisty scotty) who was hospitalized, so thoughts and prayers to him as well.

Our FNG we named Madoff, who’s a fraud inspector for an insurance company!

As always, a pleasure to lead the men at the Blast Furnace!  Many stayed for Coffeeteria and to chat.  Quite humid and sweaty, but a good time all around!

It was also National French Fry Day


Around 1.6 miles total.




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