Warm Up: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Chinook, Plank/Down Dog, Cobra, Dial Up Stretch, 10 OYO Burpees, 10 OYO Squats, Michael Phelps
Break PAX into Groups 1 & 2
The Thang:
- Mosey to lower end of park
- Group 1 – Lunge Walk towards corner
- Group 2 – Mosey in a loop 1/3 mile and catch Group 1
- Group 2 – Lunge Walk towards corner
- Group 1 – Mosey in a loop 1/3 mile and catch Group 1
- Mosey to stage
- 60 seconds of Elevator Merkins
- 60 second of Elevator Squats
- 30 seconds of Elevator Merkins
- 30 seconds of Elevator Squats
- Group Format Work
- Group 1
- 10 dips, 5 burpees, 10 incline merkins, on repeat
- Group 2
- Run to street, run back, lunge walk around second statue
- Groups then switch roles
- Run to street, run back, lunge walk around second statue
- Group 1
- 10 step ups, 5 Bobby Hurleys, 10 squats, on repeat
- Group 2
- Run to street, run back, bear crawl around second statue
- Groups then switch roles
- Run to street, run back, bear crawl around second statue
- Group 1
-Repeat above a second time
- Back to stage
- 45 seconds of Elevator Merkins
- 45 second of Elevator Squats
- 35 seconds of Elevator Merkins
- 35 seconds of Elevator Squats
- Mosey to Flag
- 10 Monkey Humpers, in cadence
- 15 box cutters, in cadence
- 20 flutter kicks, in cadence
- 15 hello dolly, in cadence
- Prayers/Thoughts for friends in Hawaii fires, losing cool with family
- Welcome FNG Frontrunner!
- Homework Assignment from Q
- Ask yourself….Why do You keep coming back to F3?