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09/18/2024 - Honey Pot - Blackbeard’s Return

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“Blackbeard’s Return”

Warm Up: Short mosey around the front lot, ending at portico for a wall sit and 30 IC air press. 20 Mountain Man Poopers + 3 random PAX suggestions

The Thang: Mosey to pavilion

• 20 Charleston step ups each leg OYO
• 10 decline Merkins IC
• 5 pull ups/chin ups OYO
(+5 Motivators in between each set)

Yves Pole (Bernie Sanders) to road/Power Skip back to pavilion
Repeat above set two more times.

• 10 Bulgarian split squats, each side IC (back leg is elevated)
• 20 dips IC
• 30 plank shoulder taps IC
• 5 Motivators

Mosey to the church portico for
20 E2Ks each side IC
40 Pickle Pointers IC (wife pleasers? bridge thrusts?)
20 Windshield Wipers IC
10 Van Goghda IC — (Think lying down Abe Vigoda. On your 6, leg spread. Sit up while reaching as high as possible with one hand. Once the peak is reached, lower hand reaching forward and crossing over to touch opposite foot, Flip-flop and repeat other side.

Stretchy stretch

Present: @Minivan, @Balboa, @Shocker, @Dutch Oven

Q (Dutch Oven) had no voice — Balboa handled the disclaimer and Minivan was DO’s workout mouthpiece.

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