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10/07/2021 - Blast Furnace - Beatdown by Commitee

Conditions – 62 degrees and mostly dry. Zero complaints from anyone for October.

PAX – 7 including Slogger and Foxhole coming down from Indian Valley, as well as Plainsman, in town for work from Alabama.

YHC noticed the day before that the Q sheet was open, so I threw my name on it, with the notice going out to all others to go on the exicon and bring something new.

Warmup – Grass Pickers, Copperhead squats, arm circles/circle arms, best stretch ever

Motivators – starting at 10

Mosey over to the stage where the bulk of the beatdown took place. Started with ascending testicles, into a dips/hammers set, and a single leg walk out/merkin/squat. That was about all YHC had, so we went around the circle throwing out exercises. This consisted of circle burps, Bobby Hurley’s, Plank Jacks, Jack Webb (a new one to Valley Forge, brought in by Plainsman), Step ups, and Bonnie Blairs.

Recovery lunge walk out to the statue, followed by leg raises, and back to the stage to finish with Foxhole’s and Jackass Merkins. One final long mosey around the park to the flag for Australian snow angels, flutter kicks, and hammers.

Countarama, nameorama, COT

This was a fun one. YHC likes to have a well planned out beat down with a theme and music. This was not one of them. Sometimes you just need to throw the paint at the wall and see what sticks. This morning really helped me remember why F3 is important to us. We are so much better together, listening to each others dumb ideas, than on our own.

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