Conditions : 46 degrees, light wind, rain incoming
Q : Spike
Beatdown : 3 for the Ruck, 8 for the beatdown
2 of us began our ruck as normal at 5:30am (YHC and Tuck). About halfway down Bridge Street, we find a dude making his way down the hill towards us with a pack on. Lo and behold, Skunkworks caught up to us – said he had to hustle most of the way. The weather was quite pleasant – no need for thermals this morning, and the wind was light. Good chatter as always during rucks.
06:30 rolled around as the PAX rolled in. Magellan arrived about 2 minutes before YHC started us off with a solid disclaimer before we circled up for the warm-up. YHC had considered trying to keep us all dry, since it seemed like the rain was going to hold off. Alas, sometimes our plans don’t work out like intended!
Warmup :
- SSHs 10X IC
- Arm circles 10X IC
- Circle arms 10X IC
- Sprinklers 10X IC
- Weed Pickers 10X IC
- Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) stretch
- Cobra Pose stretch
- Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds
YHC spent some time in the F3 Exicon this week looking up a few interesting ideas, as the beatdown coalesced in his mind. You can blame the Exicon for anything that was done this morning!
Good morning Burpees! As we traveled, moseyed, or stopped anywhere, YHC is always trying to greet people. Call it a jovial nature if you will, or an inability to keep YHC’s mouth shut. Regardless, anyone who says good morning back to us, we stop where we are and do 5 burpees. If they ignore us, we do 5 BB sit-ups.
Overall, we did around 35 burpees if the count was right. Only one sad soul did not acknowledge our existence, for which we did 5 big-boi sit-ups.
Mosey to the first corner of Reeve’s Park where we did 10 low slow squats in cadence.
Mosey to the second corner of Reeve’s Park, where we did 10 low slow chinook squats in cadence
Mosey to mid-way down the sidewalk of the Park, where we did 10 low slow Michael Phelps Squats in cadence
Mosey to the far corner of the Park, where we did 10 low slow air press squats in cadence
Mosey to the Veterans of Foreign Wars parking lot.
PAX lined up facing the building, where we did a Flying Nun across to the end ( Lunge Walk with baby arm circles) and then crab walked back. We did two rounds of this before moving on. This is where Tuck probably starting hating YHC. Although, come to think of it, perhaps Tuck had negative feelings towards YHC before the beatdown? You be the judge!
Mosey down Starr Street (continuing to do burpees as people said Good Morning to us, of course!) until we crossed over Bridge Street.
There is a beautiful parking lot (only someone in F3 could ever say that, right?) located just behind the Customer’s Bank on Bridge. Rarely any cars there, nicely lit, and it was a great space for us. As we neared this lot, one of the PAX (who shall remain nameless) stated he was going to look for a bathroom. Yes, indeed, he pulled an Elvis on us! YHC told him where we were going to be, but we didn’t see him again until we returned to the flag, where the humbled PAX was doing a mini-murph. While the rest of us continued….
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire with Mucho Chesto
The PAX lined up by high planking “in a circle,” all of us facing the same direction. On YHC’s command, we bear crawled around in a circle until the command was given to stop.
Upon stopping, 10x merkins in civilian cadence.
Bear crawled again until YHC said stop.
10x diamond merkins in civilian cadence
Bear crawled again until YHC said stop.
10x wide-arm merkins werkins (werkins) in civilian cadence.
Bear crawled again until YHC said stop.
10x stagger left merkin in civilian cadence.
Bear crawled again until YHC said stop.
10x stagger right merkins in civilian cadence
Amazingly, tons of grumbles throughout! And here YHC thought the PAX loved burpees and bear crawls!
We took a mosey around the parking lot, hoping our wayward PAX would return, but alas, he did not, so we continued with some Marionettes OYO 10 (meaning 30 big boi situps), dips x10 IC, Luke Sidewalkers across the parking lot (not in the Exicon yet, amazing – I know, but easy enough : Merkin, then move your hands a bit, merkin again, move hands a bit, merking again until you get where you’re going), and Australian Snow Angles – with moseys in between.
Then we did a full set of Motivators 10-1 without stopping. Simple, yet effective, right? Plenty of modifying near the end.
YHC remembered (with his amazing sense of direction and geography) that there was a bridge around here somewhere, but couldn’t find it until Tuck pointed out it was up a bit further up the road, so we moseyed until we found a bridge. Of course, it was “not the bridge we were looking for, but it was the bridge we needed” at the time.
The PAX performed an Indian Bear Crawl across the bridge :
PAX lined up head to feet in plank position. Man in the back of line bear crawls to the front of the line and yells go to signal the next man to bear crawl to the front while everyone else holds plank.
Once we were all firmly and securely on the bridge, we did 10X IC dips, and then we all put our feet up as high we could go for some “balls to the bridge” action. 10 second count per PAX, with lots of really rushed counts near the end.
Still no sign of our missing PAX, we moseyed slowly back up to the Blast Furnace, stopping every so often for some Al Gores, as the rain began to fall. We stopped again at the Veteran’s parking lot, where we got down on our backs and got really wet – if we weren’t wet before this, as we did 10 leg raises in cadence. Mosey back to the flag.
The rain continued, slowly at first, and then bigger, fatter drops began to pelt us, and we moved quicker, deciding on the way to hold our COT and Coffeeteria underneath the canopy at Reeve’s Park.
After a quick stop at our cars to pick up our stuff, then off to the canopy, it started to POUR. Fortunately, we were under cover, and we had a nice COT and Coffeeteria while the rain fell down around us, and the wind picked up.
Count-o-rama : 8
COT : Included some thoughts for one of our PAX interviewing for a new job.
Always a good time at the Blast Furnace, thanks to the PAX for allowing me the honor of leading this morning!