Conditions: 65F and clear, low humidity
Hops indicated that his first WO was 5 years ago, led by Flipper. Flipper called it 9 Innings of Pain, which was around the baseball field. The workout today was 9 points of pain around the AO. The PAX first did a loop around the park indicating the 9 points (which spell out “F3” in Strava Art).
At point 9, the PAX did the following:
-Michael Phelps x15 IC
-SSH’s x15 IC
-Peter Parkers x15 IC
-Parker Peters x15 IC
-Dial Up Stretches
The PAX then did an Indian Run back to Point 1.
Point 1 – 15 ManMakers
Lunge Walk to Point 2
Point 2 – 15 Flutter Kicks IC
Luke Sidewalker to Point 3
Point 3 – 15 Merkins
Bernie Sanders to Point 4
Point 4 – 20 Bobby Hurleys
Mosey to Point 5
Point 5 – 10 Burpees
Bernie Sanders to Point 6
Point 6 – 20 Box Cutters IC
Bear crawl to Point 7
Point 7 – 20 Hello Dollies IC
Mosey to Point 8
Point 8 – 25 Squats OYO
Bear crawl to Point 9
Point 9 – 25 Monkey Humpers OYO
Indian Run back to Point 1. The PAX modified Point 1 again to 5 Manmakers, Lunge walked/Bernied to Point 2, and did 20 Flutter Kicks (plus 10 Flutters with hands on chest for Hall Pass since the first ones were too easy). Mosey back to Point 1.
The PAX ended with Sally’s Cousin.
Q read from James 1:2-5. Comments were made about the “point” of pain and suffering/trials, and that they all help to make us better, and that there is a point to them. Thanks to all of you brothers for these past 5 years! Prayers for all those PAX looking for jobs at the current time.