80’s Valentine-find a date (partner) for the beatdown and grab some gifts (coupons) to share
80’s music-w/ a Cupid Shuffle snuck in
- Always free
- Open to all men
- Outdoors
- Peer led
- Mozy around parking lot
- 20 side strattle hops
- 15 monkey humpers
- 10 arm circles
- 10 circle arms
- 10 overhead claps
- 10 seal claps
- 10 Michael Phelps
Mozy to pavilion
- Coyote Uglies- 5 reps each partner-mozy to coupons
- Stitches w/ Coupon- on your 6 with coupon held over head- in cadence: in, out, open, close. 15 reps
- Caterpillars- one partner in plank, other box jumps over partner then goes into plank. Continue for 5 parking spaces-mozy to pavilion – 10 count recover
- Wheelbarrow Inverted Rows- partner holds legs while inverted rows are performed using the picnic tables, then switch-10 reps each-mozy to coupons
- Cupid Shuffle- workout to the song Cupid Shuffle, roughly 3 minutes 50 seconds. In plank. Every time he says down= merkin, to the right=right leg out and back, to the left=left leg out and back, kick=side strattle hop move in plank, walk about yourself=shoulder taps, hold plank between moves. All in a 4 count, so 2 merkins per down down (down up down up 4 count), 4 right legs, 4 left legs, 4 strattle hops, 4 shoulder taps…totals for the song=55 merkins, 20 to the right, 20 to the left, 20 side strattles, 20 shoulder taps….20 count recover
- Around The Worlds- grab a coupon and your date, back to back, pass coupon to your date and back around, 2 is 1, 10 reps then switch directions, 10 reps the opposite way, then over under for 10 reps-mozy lap around the lot
- Modified Diegos- not enough time to complete, instead of the 100,150,200,250,300…I planned on 10,15,20,25,30 but ran out of time. We did 10 merkins each while partner bear crawled 5 spaces and back.
- Wheel Barrows-5 spaces then switch partners and back 5 spaces
- Mary
Dr. W’s w/coupon- on your 6 with legs elevated- 8 count-legs apart,legs together, legs up, legs apart, BBS between legs w/ coupon, down,legs together, legs down, repeat…5 reps
15 box cutters-@Spoiler
15 Australian Snowangels-@Slice
10 “V” ups-@Chewtoy
Praises and prayers
@Slice- ruck time!
Sunday Feb 25th meeting at 2pm..
Meet.up point is
We will be rucking South Mountain Preserve .. should be 8ish miles
@Chewtoy- prayers for his FIL, just went through open heart surgery and is recovering. His wife was in Texas for around 2 weeks for the surgery. All is going well and @chewtoys family is back together! Praise God for the family and health.
@Mai-tai – prayers for his friend who is having problems with addiction. Been praying for this for awhile, checked himself into a rehab, Mai-Tai said that is what was needed. He will be away from his family for awhile so we pray for his healing and also his families safety as he walks this path to recovery.
Prayed for those that need prayers and those with silent issues that were not mentioned. Thanks for God giving us the willpower to show up on a brisk and windy morning to better ourselves and families with the help of our brothers.
- Mumble Thoughts
Thanks to all who attended my VQ,love you brothers and thanks for the constructive criticism.
Side note- I broke the shovel! Fixed with some duct tape supplied by @Slice, thanks brother, gotta purchase a new one and drill it, sorry @Hops and @Dutch Oven!
I didn’t get to say it, but one of my favorite quotes is from one of my favorite movies, Lilo and Stitch.
“OHANA means family, and family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten.”
In the Hawaiian and Polynesian dialect,Ohana doesn’t just mean direct family, it translates to; family, whether by blood, or adoption, or intention….Since I have joined F3, I feel like there is no better word to describe F3….I feel that all of my brothers in F3 are family, because we have intentionally chosen to be family and to look out for one another, and we will never leave a brother behind. Thankyou, and Ohana!
@Slice and @Spoiler from Lehigh Valley were also in attendance, cannot tag them in the PAX.
God speed my brothers!