Conditions : 68F and overcast
Q : Spike
Beatdown : 17 PAX with 2 FNGs
YHC knew we were going to have a ton of guys on Thursday after some chatter on Slack, some HC’s here and there, and just that feel in the air! We pulled up early (well, early for me) and YHC ran to place a cone with a paper attached to it at the designated spot. There were already 3-4 guys milling around, 10-15 minutes early! I saw Dreadlocks in his car – his first time at this AO (as usually only posts on Tuesdays at the Thicket).
The previous night, ElToro was joking on Slack about how 8-24-23 would make for good rep numbers, but YHC already had the workout planned, and ElToro was spot on! Having done this specific workout before, YHC made some tweaks, and away we went.
A VERY SOLID Disclaimer was given – if I do say so myself – including the 5 core F3 Principles, the F3 Motto and the F3 Mission. After a hearty AYE! the PAX circled up.
Warmup :
- 10x SSHs IC
- 10x arm circles IC
- 10x chinooks IC
- 10x circle arms IC
- 10x sprinklers IC
- 10x Daisy Pickers IC
- Plank Position – push down on toes (heels to ground) into Cobra stretch
- Best Stretch Ever – right leg 10 seconds, left leg 10 seconds
- 10x Plank Jacks IC
- Mosey loop around the park to Mr. Reeves Statue.
The Thang : 08 – 24 – 23 Workout Routine
Each round was 8 reps of an upper body exercise, 24 reps of a leg exercise, then 23 reps of an ab exercise followed by a half lap around the park. YHC had planned for 10 rounds, but we only got through 7.
Round 1 :
8 Knerkin (low slow)
24 Bobby Hurley
23 WWI Sit-Ups
Round 2 :
8 Groiners (feet thrust outside)
24 Low slow squats
23 Dolly
Round 3 :
8 Hand Release Merkins
24 Imperial Walkers
23 E2K
Round 4 :
8 Werkin (low slow)
24 reverse lunges
23 Gas Pump
Round 5 :
8 Mike Tysons
24 Mountain climbers
23 Low Country Crab
Round 6 :
8 Jumping Spider merkins
24 forward lunges
23 Plank Jacks
Round 7 :
8 Merkin Jack (Merkin w Plank jack, 4 count)
24 Baryshnikov Squats
23 Rosalita
YHC thinks those Merkin Jacks are a new fan favorite! Very challenging after 8 or more.
Saw a few guys modifying UP to do Clerkins instead of Jumping Spiders which was heartwarming!
Mosey back to the flag for some COT and naming of our two FNGs! Knuckles mentioned something about hitting a wall with his barehand to see how it felt, and Aikman stated he was a Cowboys fan (despite YHC who wanted to name him Cowgirl and other names, Aikman stuck). Glad to have them both here with us!
COT : included prayers for a PAX’s ill daughter, and a PAX’s sister in law who just lost a family member.
As always, YHC enjoys Q’ing at the Blast Furnace, and seeing so many guys, so many bright faces at 0530 in the Gloom is really amazing!