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01/21/2022 - Lock Up - 6 #HIM at 16 Degrees

Six men posted in 16-degree weather for YHC’s Q. I picked the day based on the weather forecast. A combination of injuries and other things had seen YHC lose some motivation for the gloom. The best way to get back after it is to sign up to Q. If the weather is less than ideal, even better.

Coupon Friday is the highlight of the week. The beatdown was simple and effective. After a quick warmup of Side Straddle Hops, Dial Up Stretch & Mike Phelps, we got after it. The action consisted of 5 Man Makers, 10 reps of another & then mosey the lot. The pax did 12 rounds with the second exercise being: Atlas Squat, Decline Merkins, Rows, Curls, Overhead Press, Narrow Grip Incline Merkins, Chest Press Squats, Narrow Grip Curls, Around the World, Curls again, Parabolic Press & then finished with 10 more Man Makers.

There was great mumble chatter throughout. Legkick shared what sounded like a joke but wasn’t. ElToro needed to warm his fingers. Winklevoss reminisced about Ace of Bass. Trigger spoke for Winklevoss somewhat inadvisably. Einstein demonstrated a proper technique.  Fr Delco struggled to be our moral compass.

CoT happened

Playlist (though not necessarily in this order)

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